This API is intended for fetching the information associated with the specific consent.

Note - This API extends the ReBIT specs by adding an additional VDRProvider field in the request body.

API URL: /consent/{id}

Method: GET


Authorization: AA API Key


The response will be in JSON: Here's a sample response:

  "ver": "1.0",
  "txnid": "0b811819-9044-4856-b0ee-8c88035f8858",
  "consentId": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "createTimestamp": "2018-12-06T11:39:57.153Z",
  "ConsentDetail": {
    "consentStart": "2019-12-06T11:39:57.153Z",
    "consentExpiry": "2019-12-06T11:39:57.153Z",
    "consentMode": "VIEW",
    "fetchType": "ONETIME",
    "consentTypes": [
    "fiTypes": [
    "DataConsumer": {
      "id": "DC1",
      "type": "AA"
    "DataProvider": {
      "id": "DP1",
      "type": "FIP"
    "Customer": {
      "id": "customer_identifier@AA_identifier"
    "Accounts": [
        "fiType": "DEPOSIT",
        "fipId": "FIP1",
        "accType": "SAVINGS",
        "linkRefNumber": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX",
        "maskedAccNumber": "XXXXXXXX4020"
    "Purpose": {
      "code": "101",
      "refUri": "<>",
      "text": "Wealth management service",
      "Category": {
        "type": "string"
    "FIDataRange": {
      "from": "2017-07-13T11:33:34.509Z",
      "to": "2018-07-13T11:33:34.509Z"
    "DataLife": {
      "unit": "DAY",
      "value": 0
    "Frequency": {
      "unit": "HOUR",
      "value": 0
    "DataFilter": [
        "type": "TRANSACTIONAMOUNT",
        "operator": ">=",
        "value": 20000
    "VDRProvider": {
        "vdrpid": "VDR-1",
        "fiuid": "FIU-1"
  "consentDetailDigitalSignature": "Signature of AA as defined in W3C standards; Base64 encoded",
  "ConsentUse": {
    "logUri": "string",
    "count": 1,
    "lastUseDateTime": "2018-12-06T11:39:57.153Z"