The FIU or User submits the Consent IDs of the consents required for fetching financial information from the FIP(s). The VDRP function details may also be provided by the FIU. A set of sessionIds are generated and returned. These sessionIDs enable the FIU or the User to fetch the information from the AA once available. If the FIU had provided VDRP function details, then the sessionIDs will only enable the FIU to fetch the output of the function execution.

API URL: /FI/request

Method: POST


Authorization: API Key


The request body will be in JSON. Here's a sample:

  "ver": "1.0",
  "timestamp": "2018-12-06T11:39:57.153Z",
  "txnid": "e8cc6822-d4bb-4eb1-9e1b-4996fbff8acb",
  "FIDataRange": {
    "from": "2018-12-06T11:39:57.153Z",
    "to": "2019-12-06T11:39:57.153Z"
  "VDRProvider": {
    "vdrpid": "VDRP-1",
    "fiuid": "FIU-1",
    "actionid": "ACTION-1"
  "Consent": {
    "id": "654024c8-29c8-11e8-8868-0289437bf331",
    "digitalSignature": "Digital signature of the consentDetail section in the consent Artefact"
  "KeyMaterial": {
    "cryptoAlg": "ECDHE",
    "curve": "Curve25519",
    "params": "string",
    "DHPublicKey": {
      "expiry": "2018-12-06T11:39:57.153Z",
      "Parameters": "string",
      "KeyValue": "string"
    "Nonce": 0,
    "Signature": "Signature as defined in W3C standards; Base64 encoded"


The response will be in JSON: Here's a sample response:

  "ver": "1.0",
  "timestamp": "2018-12-06T11:39:57.153Z",
  "txnid": "e8cc6822-d4bb-4eb1-9e1b-4996fbff8acb",
  "consentId": "654024c8-29c8-11e8-8868-0289437bf331",
  "sessionId": "caa2f259-2dc2-4075-87aa-6d81018b6183"